Introduce innovation to Cultural Heritage teaching (2023-2026)
SkillFoster pretend to introduce innovation to CH teaching; contribute to professional development of young specialists; foster collaboration in HE; deepen the understanding of why CH is crucial to building European values and civic engagement; promote cultural awareness. This project aims to: produce an overview of professional development systems; propose recommendations on CH professional development for policy makers; develop digital training resources; identify relevant competences and improve digital skills.
Addressing controversial issues in the classroom (2023-2026)
Uncontroversial project will support social science teachers in addressing controversial issues in the classroom. Fifty teachers will participate in the Uncontroversial project. Through Virtual Reality scenarios and lesson plans teachers are inspired to teach and assess their students and self-assess themselves concerning controversial issues. Results will be shared through a learning platform with teachers and educational partners to make sensitive and controversial topics in schools less controversial.
Learning Lines for Teaching Advanced Critical Thinking (2022-2025)
T-ACT is an initiative aimed at implementing learning pathways for information literacy and active citizenship within specific segments of the Flemish school system. While the project’s initial blueprint was crafted to address the requirements and obstacles identified by AGSO, the public school system operator in Antwerp, we are also exploring opportunities for collaboration with other school systems, both nationally and internationally, across various countries and regions.
Enhancing Social Inclusion and Employability for Individuals with Disabilities (2020-2023)
Skillability is an initiative designed to assist individuals with disabilities who possess unique talents or skills. The project’s objectives encompass providing them with supplementary income opportunities, fostering the growth of entrepreneurial mindsets, enabling greater financial independence, lessening dependence on social support systems, easing the path to reentry into formal or informal education and training programs, offering direct access to digital training for acquiring new skills and partial qualifications, expanding their social connections and networks, mitigating the effects of physical barriers and geographical constraints.
The Art of De-biasing (2020-2023)
The project dBias is an extension of the ongoing De Facto initiative, which endeavors to situate the issue of disinformation and misinformation within the context of education and training. This project aims to tackle the absence of a holistic approach to instructing educators on biases, cultivating resilience in learners, and fostering critical thinking.
An online platform has been established to gather data on the frequency, intensity, and clustering of cognitive biases.