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Learning can be fun 

Learning can be fun 

Video is the big trend: it is no surprise. The relevance of video content is reflected in the various stream channels, in video blogs and in the typology of different social media channels. And eLearning is no exception to this trend.

With the management of the enormous flow of information available, being one of the great challenges of the new generations, it is essential that teaching follows trends and the relevance of those who want to learn. And for that, video content is absolutely essential.

It is a fact that video plays a very important role in the cognitive process. The videos allow for greater dynamism, enabling a simpler and more objective language. In addition, video content is generally shorter, which allows students to remain attentive, focused and motivated.

At DDL, we try to follow the relevance of the videos and, whenever justified, include them in the production of the courses we develop. For this, we turn to our graphic and multimedia design department.

Because video is one of the many reasons why we love eLearning!

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